Thursday, May 24, 2007

Medical Transcription Using A WAV Pedal

When I first started medical transcription I would go and pick up tapes from the doctors and transcribe them at home on a transcription machine, then put them on a floppy disk and the next morning take the disk and tapes back to the clinic and pick up new ones.

Eventually my clinic started using dictation which could be transcribed via a WAV pedal. Now all I do is log into the clinic and download the doctor's voice dictation and transcribe it using the WAV pedal to hear the doctor's dictation.

Using the WAV pedal allows me to transcribe for transcription companies and clinics anywhere in the US without ever leaving my house. I can type in my slouchies, not bother with makeup unless I want to, have no wear and tear on my car, no large gas bills for my car, and even have time to surf the net in between dictations. Now this is what I call really working at home.

On top of all of that, this is a real career where my services as an experienced medical transcriptionist will always be in demand.

Marilyn Roberts
Medical Transcriptionist


Unknown said...

This is such a nice blog for medical transcriptions.
Recent technological advancements help medical transcription service providers to offer outstanding service that would meet the rising needs of the healthcare industry.

robin said...

very interesting blog
This blog have nice information for medical transcription

Unknown said...

Although there has been a lot of news that software are taking over MT specialist, the need for them is still rising. It is good to have a nice medical transcription training as it is still a good career. I don't really see the industry dying because of it being replaced by software. In the future, people will still be the best tool for this kinds of job.